Questions, questions.

I’m a Grand Pa, so I like telling stories about my experience with children. The young lady in question is now in 6th grade and no longer in our church small group. I wanted to remember her by writing this. One Sunday, as the class was nearing it’s end; she asked why there was reference to sons all the time in the Bible. “‘Noah’s sons, … Continue reading Questions, questions.

The Prince and choices.

I heard this on the radio show: “Walk with the King”, some time ago. The story went something like this: A prince and his guardian, were strolling along together when the Prince sighed and remarked aloud: “Why can’t I do all the things other kids do?” To which the guardian replied, “Because one day you’re going to be King.” We should enjoy life, but remember … Continue reading The Prince and choices.

The sense of Taste

“Hi Simon, how’s the family?” “Hi Brother Ken, we are fine. How’s yours?” “They are fine. Simon, I want to run this idea by you so that I can remove any roadblocks to understanding, before I blog.” Simon barely responded an okay and I continued. “God gave usĀ five senses: Taste, Sight, Touch, Hearing and Smell to experience the world around us. I think we can … Continue reading The sense of Taste